Annual Leave Day 5
Am still in pyjamas and fluffy pink dressing gown. Cups of instant coffee consumed - 1. Ran out of milk - disaster, am drinking it black due to lack of motivation to leave the house to go to shops. Episodes of House watched in past five days - approx 12. Amount of times I've thought that House and Wilson are, like, sooooo in love - approx infinity (I mean, come ON. They've at least had sex at some point in the past, right? College fling? Now they're all "I CAIN'T QUIT YOOOOOU!" Right?). Amount of Harry/Draco fanfiction Ive read in the past five days - approx. 700 pages (I downloaded the Complete Works of Maya (
sarahtales ), and I'm catching up on all her stuff even though I haven't read any HP fanfic in, like, 3 years because Supernatural overtook my life).
Productivity level: 50%. I've actually been doing housework and ironing and shit, also I made some character and plot notes for my novel (even though I haven't actually brought myself to open the first draft and actually start, like, WRITING it. I've got another week!).
I thought I had a driving lesson today, but it turns out it's for TOMORROW, which, YAY! I have now gone almost 5 whole days without leaving the house on my own volition. Wait. No, I went to Knox last night with Trav and his brother to buy House season 4, and I think I picked up some pizza the other day as well... But ALMOST. SO CLOSE. I feel so refreshed and rested that I can't even sleep in, I'm awake at like, 8:30 every morning all bright eyed and "Yeah! Bring on the hours of fanfic reading and television watching!"
Best. Holiday. Ever. Maybe being 25 isn't so bad after all?
(So you all don't think I'm a complete loser nutcase (hahahahahaha), I should point out that not only am I going to the theatre tomorrow night, I'm spending all next week doing exciting, out of house activities, culminating in like three days getting wasted at Trav's beach house Sah-weeeeet)
Now, if you'll excuse me. Those DVDs aren't gonna watch themselves.
--Cheers, Beck.