Hoh shit, don't even...Strongbow, man. MAN.

Feb 15, 2008 23:20

I'm kinda drunk.

I sat upstairs and watched the first game of the pre-season by myself and got DRUNK ALONE because no one wanted to watch the footy with me. I mean.Come on. I'm so obsessive about footy. You have no idea. Bandom people, I'm so sorry,. But until September you're going to hear about my football team and how well they're doing, and how slashy they're being. WE WON TONIGHT. Even though it's just the pre-season, which doesn't really count, we WON. And I've been waiting for this for so long. But. I'm drunk. So my footy-cat-calls-at-the-tv kinda...devolved. Until I was shouting such well-informed pieces of advice as "PLAY BETTER!" and "OMG, be less crap!" and, near the end "GO! ...do the thing!" I bet they're so grateful they've got me here yelling at the screen for them. I'm...indespenible.

I have no idea if that's even spelled right.

God. GOD. Ok, I admit it - I love Panic's album, but I honestly don't read any Panic fanfiction or really care about any of them except Brendon and, often, Jon - BUT. I finally saw the new clip tonight and I liked a lot more than I thought I would! And Ryan is vaguely amusing. That...MTV? Interview? he and Jon did recently, with the Aladdin thing? Made me laugh so much, and like him more than I did. Ok. But don't start...linking me all Panic fics. If they don't have Jon in them, I probably won't read them.

I WOULDN'T ADMIT THIS IF I WASN'T DRUNK. I'm 'bout to get kicked outta bandom.

(ALSO. I'm not THAT into FOB's music! I really like SOME songs, but dislike most of them! Musically, I just think they're kinda boring! I'M SO SORRY.)

I'm gonna be hungover as a sumbitch tomorrow.

ANYWAY. Anyway. As a girl who likes Eminem so much that I actually have one of his song titles TATTOOED on my NECK, am I even allowed in bandom? Oh come on. Who am I kidding. Geeway totally raps along to Em in front of the mirror with his comb as a mic before every gig. YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT.


So today I totally finished wax_jism's epic epic Frank/Gerard and now I'm all...bereft. OH, FRANK/GEE. YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE PAIRING. I want...35897349 F/G stories by morning, guys,


I'm gonna be hungover AND regretful of this post in the morning. GOOD TIMES.

--Cheers, Beck.

WE WON! I'm sorry, caps key. But we DID. GO THE SAINTS!

drinkies, geeway, tattoos, eminem, bandom, panic at the disco, frank/gerard, st kilda, footy

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