Nov 08, 2007 11:34
So I'm really sick. And not in the usual "Sam/Dean bromance yay!" kinda way, but in the "I puked from 3:30pm to 2:30am yesterday and haven't managed to eat or drink anything in the past two days, oh, and I have a rash on my face and a headache and a sore throat, but mainly the puking" kinda way.
I dunno, guys. I saw a doc on Monday about a bad cough and general cold-like symptoms, and he gave me antibiotics. Tuesday I was mostly ok, just had a sore throat and more coughing, but yesterday on my way to work I suddenly got incredibly queasy, and had to jump off the bus - in the middle of nowhere - and throw up in someone's front yard. I had to call Trav at work to come find me and take me home "I' front of a park!" where I was ok-ish until 3:30, when the epic vomiting began. Every half hour I was retching over the bucket, it was frigging disgusting. I didnt leave my bedroom for like, 8 hours. And every doctors clinic in Victoria was booked out.
I've just made an appointment for this arvo, though. I've stopped being sick, but my stomach is so queasy and delicate, I can't eat anything and even drinking is making me feel bad. This? Sucks. I'd be in bed, but I'm sick of the sight of my room, going out of my MIND up there.
I'm gonna play the Sims and keep my bucket close. URGH.
Oh, also? All last night I had "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" stuck in my head, so now I'm always gonna associate that song with puking out my nose. GREAT.