This conversation I had with Trav last night is so typical it almost hurts me to transcribe it.
Me: ...blah blah blah MCR blah Did you know there's an actual dinosaur called a Torosaurus?
Trav: *snort* Yes.
Me: I didn't! I just thought he made it up because it sounded cool!
Trav: Hahah, really?
Me: I only found out because I googled it...
Trav: Oh my god.
Me:...and instead of pictures of Ray I got all these pictures of DINOSAURS.
Trav, leaving the room: It looks like a Triceratops!
Me: Well I know that NOW.
I once asked him, in the spirit of historical enquiry, when the Bible was set. He replied with a perfectly straight face "Well it opens with God creating the Earth, so, you know..." SIGH. I'm a history major! I may have been blonde at the time.
I have a bad quality version of Supernatural 3.01, but I'm not sure if I want to watch it, or wait until the HD one comes out. It's just, I have to leave for work at around 3:30ish, so I need to time things. If I don't get to see it today, I will cry. But my version is really quite bad. GAH.
Last night I had the best dream ever, with all my favourite things. It had huge guns, and killing bad guys, and Angelina Jolie, and making out with Angelina Jolie. Really hot making out with Angelina Jolie, actually. It was GREAT. Why can't I be, like, an international woman of mystery? With a gun and maybe, like, disguises and so on. I'd probably have to infiltrate My Chenical Romance at some point. Hey, don't look at me like that! I go where the job takes me.
*sips coffee* I might be a little manic waiting for this episode, I dunno.
So someone posted a Bobspam yesterday (I think) and now I can't find it again. Who wants to hook me up? I'll repay you in this:
Frank wants to grin in your general direction.
--Cheers, Beck