Yo, I hope none of you have tried to text or call me, because I've lost my stupid phone. Just a heads up. I will be buying a new one...presently. I actually kinda like not having a phone! But Trav's like, "OMG, you can't be trusted alone in public without some kind of tracking device, hie thee to the phone dealer pronto" so maybe, like, tomorrow I'll buy one. I guess.
Do you all realise that there is less than a week til new Supernatural? LESS. THAN. A. WEEK. I've been thinking about this crazy-ass AU crossover, I think I mentioned it in here before, where Gerard and Bob are EMTs who save Dean and Sam's lives, and who get DRAWN INTO THE MYSTERY. Maybe Sam&Dean convince them that they CAN'T GO TO HOSPITAL, so Gerard takes them home to his apartment (where he has a tiny tattooed room-mate!) and NURSES THEM BACK TO HEALTH. Bob drops by with coffee and looks DUBIOUS. Mikeyway shows up! He is perplexed but amused. Frank tries so hard to help, but he is tiny and crazy! He drives Dean insane, but Dean is incapacitated and has to just TAKE IT. (NOT LIKE THAT, JEEZ). Sam and Ray develop some sort of deep, mystical bond. And Gerard runs around frantic with nerves and excitement and, like, moves the hamster cage into the kitchen because Sam is allergic. :D
I dunno, you guys. I think it's made of win.
I have been trying to listen to A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, in the spirit of embracing more of bandom that isn't Fall Out Boy (Patrick = YAY, Wentz = BOO), and I just don't know. I appreciate what they're trying to do, but man, I wish the lead singer would lay off the damn vocal acrobatics. I can only listen to about three, maybe four, songs in a row before it gets too much for me to deal with. Also, it's just not quite as ROCK as I would like. But I say this now. I have a habit of not being into an album the first time I listen to it, but then by the fifth or sixth go round I think it's the best thing ever. That happened with Goldfrapp's Felt Mountain, the Moulin Rougue soundtrack and, funnily enough, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. I think I just need to convince myself that I like it.
The song about lapdances, though, just gives me the shits. SORRY, BOYS. You struck out with that one!
I will end this with a picture of Frank. This makes me laugh so hard. It's like when you're a kid and you lick all the biscuits so your sister can't have one. "Hahahaha! All your cookies are belong to FRANK."