What Movie Is Your Love Life Like?

Mar 13, 2009 21:01

Your Love Life is Like Annie Hall
"A relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies."

You believe that love (if you even believe in love!) is a very complicated thing.
Maybe love is pain. Or maybe it's all a big therapy session. You're still figuring it out.

Your love style: Brainy and a bit neurotic

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Realistic and reflective
What Movie Is Your Love Life Like?

So this is pretty accurate. It's eerily accurate, really. But I don't believe love is that complicated. Actually I take that back; it's one of those cliche things where you say 'it's so complicated, yet so simple.' I've decided love is a selfish measurement and nothing more. Kinda like a scale. I mean you have 'hate', 'dislike', 'neutral', 'like' 'love'. It's simple. It's a measurement of how much something pleases you because love is completely selfish; it's all about how something/someone makes YOU feel. Like, I love my friends. I also love pasta. And i love them about the same. So if someone offered me a bigass plate of free pasta, or an opportunity to go catch a movie with friends, depending on the mood i'm in, I may choose the pasta. I love my ex, and I love pasta. But i'm 98% sure i'd always choose the ex over the pasta. It's a measurement.
And I'm also hungry and a bit delirious from a day of RIDICULOUS crampage.


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