Poor neclected LJ

Oct 07, 2010 10:05

But I am really not having the energy for any lenghty entries at the moment

My job is very busy atm. There was the usual end of the quarter stuff and many last moment decisions for events (a fair, two press meeting) which reasonably should have been planned weeks if not months ago.
Add a training in the UK in the last week of the quarter ("brilliant" idea...just what I needed)
At least we went with the company to the Oktoberfest. The first time in 9 years.
Beer and broiled taste even better when someone else pays for it. (and yes, I would be too stingy to buy them myself, 12 Euro for half a broiler with some potato salad...uh no...)

But it wouldn't be my only Oktoberfestvisit for this year. Once we have been invited by one of our distis and once I went on my own...though that doesn't really count because I run for my life after just 20 minutes and I was reminded why I usually do not do the Oktoberfest: those crowds are just too much for me (at least on a sunny Sunday...it is not that bad during the week but even then it was fuller than expected).

And after living in Munich for more than 10 years I decided that the time has come to buy me a dirndl...mostly prompted by feeling like an alien in jeans in t-shirt. Boy...that was a real adventure. Worse than closing sales. People were buying dirndl and lederhosen as if Armageddon was tomorrow and only those clothes could save you.
but it is interesting to see how much attention girls in dirndls are getting...or maybe it is just the boys having too much beer :-P

Nothing else to report: Because seriously...my life is deadly boring
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