Shameless Weekly Self Promotion (and a little Skins!)

Sep 02, 2009 20:55

Per the usual, anybody want to hear the sound of my awkward voice on the radio (I've been told it's oddly appealing)? Well it's that time of the week again! It's Talk Nerdy To Me time (it's on at 9pm EST and it's a two-hour show)!!! The name kind of says it all. There's a lot of nerdcore played and general geekery discussed. You can hear it online by going to and clicking "Listen Online," which should be top center of the page.  There will be a srs discussion of Felicia Day's hotness, and how pissed off I am about the Disney buy-out of Marvel, among other things. Also, for anyone who watches Aqua Teen Hunger Force, we've got two world premieres by MC Chris! The show is also being recorded again tonight, so I'll post in up later! LISTEN NOW THOUGH, NONETHELESS! AND PARTICIPATE IN THE CHAT!!! ^_^
Edit: So the show's going through a bit of a transition right now, so sorry about any awkwardness. I'm just getting acclimated to radio in general, so overall I'm still a little iffy on the whole pace and feel. I pinpointed a major issue though tonight: I don't know when to step back a bit. Now that know this, I think I'm personally going to get a lot better on air. The download will be up in a few and feel free to listen and offer advice! : )

AND HOLEY JAMOLEY! KAYA'S CONVINCING THE WHOLE SKINS CAST TO TWEET! My absolutely fave thus far is Ollie who I just realized, besides Lily, is the most likely person in the cast that I'd fall in love with IRL. He's such an adorable little geek! Earlier today he had his whole twit-list playing movie trivia. I naturally got the Star Wars quote immediately and flailed all around for a few seconds at my geekiness finding a purpose in life! AND CAN WE PLEASE GET MEG ON TWITTER ASAP! KAYA, SHE'S YOUR FLATMATE; CONVINCE HER ALREADY!!!

please marry me ollie, twitter addiction, needz moar meg, skins, i'm on the radio!, kaya is my new obsession!

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