Apr 01, 2003 12:27
Well, I had the funkiest of dreams before I woke up severly congested and hacking up mucus/phlegm. I hate my allergies...
Well, here's my scary dream: I was at a concert in a tiny theatre, and it had Keith Richards and Jerry Garcia and their bands playing something or other. Keith was flying around on a rachet (wires) and he flies so high on the wires that he slams into Jerry Garcia and they get into an argument of some sort. Because of this, the show ends quickly.
Then I was leaving the chairs in the audience and I see these cards (Like YGO, not, like, Hallmark) and I pick them up, 'cause Finders Keepers, y'know? And then there's this lady who's there and she says something or another about children, blah blah.
Then we have a magical dream-cut to where Mune, Trouble and I are walking on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere (think mid-state NC or summat). Mune's riding Trouble bareback and I'm like "Can I ride Trouble?" And she goes "Sure!" (Heh. Like I'd ride a horse bareback when I can't even post. XD Egads) and jumps off, but then... Trouble goes and starts getting away.
Mune follows him saying something about him being stubborn and "You have to fence horses in, otherwise they'll wander off." and she, like, fences him in this one spot and stuff. So I ride Trouble, who turns into a small dog and starts going up a STEEP hill. Eheh...
Then we go to this Goblin Lady's house and she doesn't want to hurt children, but her family does. This is where the dream ends.
Talk about funky. Anyway -- I got to get to school in a bit. Aa, Ceramics. *sighs* Bleh, who needs it anyway? Well, it's April, thank god. Only two more months (this one and May) before June. Hallelujah.