on YIM with someone.Took a while for me to even send the message.hunn..and I have this anxiiaty like I have had before when trying to talk to some one.Getting confentational and such.But it must be done.Geeze hes slow to rply.guess he is trying to hint or some shit.FINE! I give up.
Trying to get things done.Filled out more scholarships.That was fun.I did one on my DreamJob.And of corse thats being a manga-ka/activest XD!I should be looking for art collages.I only have 1 I want to go to..Maybe I will also apply at California art instatute.I think thats what its called.And maybe soem medical school(ayaa very pricey indeed but well worth it!) I have also an apointment with something for collage scholarships sunday and unn what eles....Guess thats all.