(no subject)

Nov 24, 2010 00:42

Most of you know that I had to drop a class. It was awful.  Here's what's going on.  I copied a post from my tumblr to make sure details weren't missed.

From last Wednesday:


So, that class I dropped.  Apparently the letters that got written to the higher-ups in our department and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs actually did something, because they hired someone to fix it.  27 of the {more than half the class} that dropped were offered an unprecedented chance to re-enroll, with help and a plan to get them caught back up to speed.  9 of those 27 took up the course again. 9. of more than 50 people who dropped the course.  One of those people was me.  I can little afford to do 17 Computer Science credits next semester.

The best part of this little story is that I got to wake up hella early for a make-up lecture, and am now sitting in the classiest little lounge in the Digital Technology Center, waiting for someone to unlock the door so I can go sit in the really spiffy looking conference room they reserved for us.  It even has those tiny little high tables you can stand at and drink coffee and look hip.  Or, like this one guy, stand at and eat a McDonalds Breakfast and type on your laptop.

Oh hey! Cranky-professor-man just walked by. Maybe I’ll get to go in and look scholarly. I’m even going to take notes on paper. *gasp* The scandal, I know.




So, today I get this e-mail from the overseer from the class of death.  She wants to see me and some guy named Chris about our Assignment 3, which is what made me drop that damn class. It turns out to be the worst meeting I’ve ever had in the history of ever.  It turns out Chris, known as Mr. Evil in our group (I know his name now, turns out…) took my code and turned it in verbatim. Comments and everything. So once I figured out that Chris was Mr. Evil, I knew pretty much what had happened.  See what happened is that it was due-date for assignment. I was in the lab, having tar’d and submitted my homework, and Eric and Mr. Evil were there.  Having huge issues even getting the first part of the homework done (the relatively easy part) and hadn’t even started considering the hard part yet.  They were working in C, so I e-mailed one of them my Java code to pull up on his screen so we could work out what was going wrong in his C code from comparisons.  Clearly, he e-mailed it to the other guy, who changed his name on it and turned it in.   I explained this to the overseer-lady (She’s actually really awesome so there’s a chance this might actually get worked out.) and she said if anything corroborated my claim I might be okay, but the most likely option right now is getting a zero on the assignment, with the possibility of worse things, which is…. awful. So I guess my overall feeling about all of this can be summed up in four words:

bluh bluh huge cheater.

tl;dr  Bitch cheated. Life Ruined. Film at 11.


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