Apr 01, 2012 21:24
Ok, not the worst Spring Break ever, but it's definitely up there. The top spot still has to go to the year I got pinned by a scaffolding, broke some bones and stuff, and spent the week before in the hospital and thus had to cancel my Spring Break plans. But this one has somewhat sucked.
The first part was okay. The first weekend didn't really feel like a break. I had to work and teach all weekend. But Monday I relaxed and did nothing which hasn't happened for me in a while, so that was awesome. And Tuesday I had to work again, and went to a dance class that night. Wednesday was fun, went hiking and beaching with some friends from school, then went and danced at a pub in Waikiki in the evening with some Irish dance friends (we really do exist everywhere. Even Hawaii). So that was all good. Then I randomly got super sick Wednesday night and puked my guts out for the first time since the aforementioned hospital stay in 2006). I thought it was food poisoning cause I felt better by Friday, but then it came back, so basically this whole second half of my week has been a waste. And now I have to go back to class tomorrow. FUCK. On the plus side, I did get some "hey, I actually live in Hawaii!" time in before that happened. So I can't complain too much.
In other news, I determined today that I am still in my quarter life crisis. I thought I got that over with a couple of years ago, but I don't think so. Either that or I'm just a chronically indecisive and unsatisfied person. It's hard to say.