70 Confessions
Just for starters...
Do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, so help you God?:
Uh sure?
What time is it?:
10:16 AM
What is todays date? (MM/DD/YYYY):
Okay, let's get started...
Who was the last person to call you baby?:
Uh, probably Ela years and years ago. Karl calls me "babe" though, which I guess is sort of the same thing.
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?:
Yes, whenever possible.
...do you return the cart?:
But of course!
What is your relationship status? (single, taken...etc.):
Has anyone ever sang to you?:
No, not that I recall.
Has anyone ever given you roses? when?:
No I don't think so. The only time I ever got flowers was when I was in the hospital and I don't think any of them were roses.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Ha. Probably not.
Who do you text the most?:
What does your last incoming text say?:
"That's good. :-)"
What does your last outgoing text say?:
"Yeah I know! I'm not sure what my deal is. Oh well at least now I feel rested. ;-)"
What is your favorite color?:
What color are your eyes?:
What is a compliment you receive way too often?:
I could do without people calling me "cute" like 50 times a day. I feel like a puppy.
How tall are you?:
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?:
Karl, this morning in a text. ha
Do you like your parents?:
Absolutely I do.
Do you secretly like someone?
Why did your last relationship end?:
My current relationship is the first one I've been in, so...yeah.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?:
My sister Bekah.
Where is the furthest place you've traveled?:
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?:
Oh my, I could never choose!
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?:
My body is more like my dad's side of the family, but my face is more like my mom.
How long does it take you to shower?:
Depends on if I'm in a hurry or not. I can be done in 10-15 minutes but I often take longer.
Can you do splits?:
Not anymore.
Are you flexible?:
Not really. I should be. ha
What movie do you want to see?:
I don't even know what's out/coming out right now.
What did you do on New Years eve 2007?:
Hang out with my family and watch movies.
Was your mom a cheerleader?:
Can you speak any other language besides English?:
I can sort of speak French in the "I took it in college and never really use it" sort of way.
What is the last letter of your middle name?:
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?:
11. I accidentally passed out on my futon. ha
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?:
Of course. I don't feel like dying.
Are you scared of flying?:
Not really. If I was, I'd have a problem.
What do you sleep in?
Shorts and a t shirt usually. Unless I pass out on the futon, then I sleep in my clothes. ha
Is your hair curly or straight?:
Do you have any tattoos?:
Nope. I'm way to fickle to permanently ink something onto my body.
Do you like funny people or serious people?:
I agree with Emily on this one - Funny people who know how to be serious.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles?:
Driven through it. I have no desire to spend any extended period of time there.
What jewelry do you wear all the time?:
None. The only jewelry I ever wear is my claddagh ring and even that I don't always wear.
What do you have planned for tonight?:
I need to call Nicole 'cause I've been a shitty best friend lately, and I'm hanging out with Karl when he gets off work.
What is your favorite song at the moment?:
"Die Alone" - Ingrid Michaelson
What song do you HATE?:
Oh God. Anything by Daughtry. I can't even talk about it.
Do you like chocolate?:
I love chocolate
Do you need a girlfriend/boyfriend to be happy?:
Are you easy to get along with?:
What is your favorite time of day?:
I dunno. I like all parts of the day that I'm awake for.
Are you a happy person?:
Most of the time.
Any upcoming events you're excited about?
Eh. St Pat's I guess!
What time is it now?:
10:36 AM