WHAT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR (psst. It's ourselves)
I. With regards to THE PROMPTS.
A. For every fic written, there must be a prompt header consisting of two threaded comments: one stating character(s) and/or pairing(s) requested, and one comment beneath stating the actual prompt (or simply acting as a buffer). See example thread below for a template.
B. Any and all characters and/or pairings that are the least bit related to "The Daily Show" or "The Colbert Report" or their sundry hosts, correspondents, staff, writers, etc. will be welcome in this fest.
C. This fest does not "see" het, or slash, or three- or more-somes. (Neither does Stephen Colbert.)
D. All kinds of fic accepted, and anonymous posting is enabled for that very reason-feel free to try out something new!
E. Porn is not required, but certainly welcome. ;)
F. The usual COPPA rules apply. Please make all characters old enough for the age of consent. (Nothing to say about consenting farm animals, however.)
A. Before you start posting all of your favorite prompts, please take a moment to go through the rest of the comments to see if someone else hasn't already requested your prompt. It will save me A LOT of trouble when I finally start making the masterlist...
B. Would it be too much to ask to attempt to fill *every* prompt before the fest ends? Well, it's a nice goal to have, anyway.
C. Prompts can have more than one fill. (Hence the going-through-comments-first idea from II-A.)
D. When filling prompts, please include a title for your fic (if any), potential triggers (if any), and the number of parts of the fic (if applicable) in the title of your comment. See example thread below for a template.
E. Please limit your comments to either fic prompting, fic writing, or commenting on other fics. A separate chat post is available
here where you are free to introduce yourself to others and make new Fake News friends (or squee about the rally; there will be an OpenThread at
fakenews_fanfic linked in comments at the chat post by Saturday morning, hopefully).
F. Disclaimers are not necessary. One will be posted that covers for the ENTIRE fest.
III. With regards to EVERYTHING ELSE.
A. I probably don't have to even say this, but. PLAY NICE. No character bashing, no 'ship bashing, no personal bashing, no bashing of any kind allowed. Otherwise, I sic Sweetness on you.
B. Have as much fun as humanly possible! :D
fakenews_fanfic ): All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
ETA: THE FESTIVAL CLOSING TIME WILL BE EXTENDED UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND: partly to accomodate the rally-goers who could use more time, partly to accomodate my insane school schedule. Get to it, people!