Some things I thought it good to announce:
(1) The Fake News Comment!Fic Festival is happening! SRS POSTER MEANS SRS BZNS OKAY.
Uh, wow. Huge image is ... kinda huge. o.o
So it'll probably be kinkmeme-style since that was the majority of the votes from last weekend's poll: you'll post your prompts in the comments for you or for some lucky other to fill. Anonymous is fine, pr0n is welcome but certainly not required, and we're open to any 'ships or characters that are related to the two (fine-looking OMG) men in the poster above in six degrees or less. More specific rules will be posted closer to the opening date.
It'll be like Woodstock, except with less drugs and a helluva lot more porn! \o/ Be sure to tell all your friends! (Really, I mean it. My journal isn't exactly high-traffic, you know.)
(2) The really very-talented
pocky_slash is holding a "Not My Fandom Fest" sometime in the next week or so, and she's collecting the ideas for possible fandoms
now. I recommend everyone (especially my Fake News F-list) check this out STAT.
I mean, come on! It'll be bite-sized comment!fics for fandoms we know next-to-nothing about! What could possibly go wrong?
(3) Yuletide's nomination list (which has gone live
today) allows "Queen Seondeok" as a possible fandom nomination. Oh boy, this is going to be one fun Christmas. :D
(3a) Studying for tomorrow's Musical Skills exam, and I just realized that Flobots' "Handlebars" is a chaconne based on the same eight-bar bass note pattern (played by a viola!) repeated over and over and over.
Yes, I am a geek. No, I may not have listened to it six times tonight, just to make sure. And no, it may not have been the Doctor Who version.
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