On the minus side for the last few days:
- I've developed a cold on top of allergies; and
- I broke my glasses in a mild fisticuffs with my parents yesterday. Right before my mock orchestra audition/final exam thingie. And I'm 20/200. Or maybe 20/400. HOSHIT.
On the plus side:
- I didn't bomb said orchestra audition;
- I found my spare pair of glasses FINALLY this morning, so I'm no longer walking into things and typing with my nose 5 inches away from the computer screen (which was frankly looking totally ridiculous);
- I got some one-on-one quality studying time with my musical skills TA this morning (he's cute, OK? And no, musical skills isn't a euphemism for something else);
- I received the Norton-Mavor Latin Award for Best Freshman Latin Student of the Year (apparently this thing's a really big deal in the department--cue me going o_O LOLWHUT);
- I've made it through six weeks of
ass_ldws and am now in their FINAL FOUR OMG YAY; and
- I found a user on YouTube,
lovertojackharkness, who's uploaded EVERY ALBUM that Barrowman's ever released. Also, there's a nice Astrid Peth fanvid of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." EARGASM TIME AHAHA YES.