Mar 22, 2009 00:59
Hiya. Here's the highlights of the past two weeks. . .
Backtrack to Friday the 13th. That was a fun night! Met up with Tony and others at the cavity. Had a beverage and then proceeded to a Mooseheads game! It was the last game, I believe, of the regular season. They were playing St. John. This would be junior hockey for those of you interested readers. I'd never seen a junior hockey game. It wasn't bad! I haven't been to many games at all this year so it was nice to get back in the hockey spirit! However, a bunch of us were heading to Ahmed's (who lives in our building) for a party so they wanted to leave before the liquor store closed. It was a tie game when we left and we left after overtime and before the shootout! So we missed the best part, but that's okay. We got to the liquor store with about one minute to spare! It also marked Tony and I's first bus ride in Halifax! Took the bus about half a mile but it was quicker than walking/running!
Party at Ahmed's was fun. Jackie, a future DDS student from Ellsworth was up looking for an apartment for the fall, so he was there. We chatted a bit. I'd met him in Orono a couple of times. I got pretty drunk without drinking much (not sure why, maybe lack of food) and ended up being really sick the next morning. But the good part was, I got to chat with some of Tony's classmates that I hadn't talked to much before and I got inspired to dye my hair! Tony has a classmate who has red highlights in her hair and it makes her look cute and spunky. I decided I need more spunk! She was very encouraging and sweet enough to give me a 25% gift certificate to the place she had her hair done at! So I guess I will be doing that in the next month! Everyone is always telling me to do something different with my hair and I think this will be great because A) It won't take any maintenance and B) I won't be cutting it, which is often asked of me and my hair grows slow so if I didn't like it, I'd be screwed.
The next day was Pi Day! I have to give props to pi day because it's the best geek holiday ever and apparently it was recognized officially by Congress this year! I'm glad they are doing something useful! LOL :)
This past Tuesday of course was St. Patty's Day! Celebrated my 25% Irish heritage by attending the 1st Annual Flip Cup Challenge, hosted by one of Tony's classmates, Ian. I had never even heard of flip cup so my goal was to just not be the worst one! However, my team ended up in 3rd (out of 5) and I was deemed a "flip cup ninja." It was quite the tourney with a whole bracket and everything. So more DDS bonding, and it was a good time. I have to admit, I am anxious to hone my skills!! Oh, and I want to give credit to the amazing trophy that the winning team got!
I guess that is most of the excitement. This weekend so far has been very toned down. Tony was away most of today at school giving tours to interested students. Oh, but yesterday I DID get a marriage proposal from the deaf pirate, Jack, that sits out in front of the liquor store! Tony gave him a tiny bottle of rum and so Jack gave Tony a high five. I gave him a high five too and he proceeded to kiss my hand and ask me to marry him. Caught off guard I replied, "Uh, maybe later." And then he laughed heartily in a pirate way.
In other exciting news, I got tickets to the Nova Scotia Symphony does Queen music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited! In case somebody reading this doesn't know, Queen is my favorite band of all time. Actually . . .I'm pretty sure everyone knows that. Especially in light of my LJ username.
Got a lot of stuff to do Sunday and Monday. Ugh.
Otherwise classes going well. I've been coming up with some interesting theories of late. Don't want to get into them now. But I love how excited I get after I come back from a philosophy of bio class or a soc class. Although, soc has been annoying me recently. They give no credit to biology whatsoever. Several times I have wanted to raise my hand and say, "actually, that can be explained in conjunction with this. . ." but there's no need for me to rain on their parade. I'll try to keep my thoughts within the discipline and thus receive a good grade, lol.
Live Long and Prosper.