Jun 30, 2004 17:47
well two fridays ago was my lj birthday unfortunately i was unable to celibrate it dude to the fact that i was in the emerency room after being in a car crash most of the time..
i wasnt really sure what i was going to do but i dunno maybe something envoling rising from the dead.
anywho a year ago i was introduce into the fantastic world of livejournal. ive been an addict to it for such along time its such an routine thing.and i love it it allows me to right what im feeling with some privacy but meet people who are interested in the same interest or are feeling how im.
one huge thing should say this about my friends i met the past year who i really wish i got to know u better and i should have stayed with this journal but im happy with my knew one. but with this journal i met so many wonderful people whom i wish i met in better sercomstances but none the less i love u all.
alot has happen to be this year i lost my frist long term boyfriend..then dated another but im happy now. i lost a few of my best friends but gain 3 very close ones.i had longish hair that i always wanted,,,then i cut it...
what im saying is i changed alot.mentially and physically.ive grown stronger as a person and i know who i am more and what i want to be and that thought keeps me happy.what im saying is when u almost lose life u grow so much. people are constantly saying to me oh just get ever it.but the thing is i cant. its hard for me. but one thing that wasnt hard was if i were to died that afternoon at least i would have died with the three people i care the most about.though i am very greatful to be alive.