So my friend is getting married tomorrow, she's my girly-girl friend, you know, the one that knows about clothes and makeup, and I can totally dish about girly problems with. Knowing this, I totally bought the cutest dress ever (Burlington Coat Factory- $20!), and I figure I have to get awesome make-up to match. All I have is expired concealer and blush that I stole from my mom, it's waaay too dark for me, kinda makes me look like a clown, so, the usual for me...
I go to ulta because I know nothing about make-up, and I can actually ask someone about it. I get there, and it just so happens that there are some visiting make-up artists giving out "free" makeovers. My makeup guy is named Rafael, he tells me he's worked on top model, and did Erique Eglasias's make up on his last tour. Who knows if it's true, but whatever. So I show him the dress, and he knows exactly what to do, which is awesome because I'm clueless. And then he makes up my face, and it's absolutely ah-mazing! Like, amazing, you don't even know.
So I go home and start messing with my hair too, because I have to have it planned out for tomorrow. And for once in my life, a hairstyle actually works for me. I wound up curling it (which never works out), but then flattening it with a straightener. It's got kind of a wavy thing going on. So I sat down to try to get a shot of it (to ask my fb friends about the hairstyle).
So I wound up with this.:
Pretty fantastic, huh? It makes me look like some emo kid (I am neither emo or a kid). My skin looks amazing, the lighting is awesome. And thanks to the makeover, my eyes look hella-defined. My sis says I looked like her in this pic, I consider it a big compliment.
Also, here's another view of my hair/makeup. Long story kind of short, I got a makeover from a guy who gives makeovers to famous guys, then I spent to much on makeup. But I look HOT.