Apr 21, 2007 22:29
so i might be moving into a real house next week, literally friday, into one of the four units the house holds. the quarter is over june 9th, exams and all, and sometime after that i'm coming to florida for about a week. that means i can get my skunk. and it'll have a place to live. so that means i might be totally moved in within a few weeks, and have a skunk in about two months. that means he needs a name. i've gotten so excited that i've started playing the name game again. i have a few:
+ rufus/rufio
+ robert paulson (his name is robert paulson. his name is robert paulson)
+ nebuchadnezzar (nebuchad for short)
+ oy (cooler meaning, not as cool sounding)
+ and of course, roland (but there's already a super cool pet out there, defending the white, so i feel i can't use that)
+ EDIT: how could i forget this, omg, rando! as in, the amazing rando!
what do people like? do you have another idea? hm hm hm.
in pet news, snakes are doing well, and my mice are animals (duh). they ate seven of their nine living babies, and only because two were already taken from them. when we tried putting other pinkies with them, from the store, they maimed three of them, forcing us to freeze the rest..quite an unenjoyable experience. but the snakes are good, reptar's shedding her skin again already, the little fattybones.
i have too many slash not enough pets.