how embarressing!the panic attack from herll art modeling this am...

Jan 20, 2007 13:51

NOT what u want to happen if you are supposed to be professional.My fucking GOD!
Panic attacks while art modeling
Allright ,most of you know I art model for income,wellt his is a pretty inconveniant time to have one of those things because you have to be STILL and u cant appear nervous!
glad I got thru that expereince!Ive been prone to these things for years now and I dont allow them to ruin or run my life that being said this morning was VERY vulnerable because when out of nowhere Im being sketched and my heart starts feeling like its pounding outside my body,I start trying to deep breathe and feel like Im gonna hyperventilate,and the act of staying STILL is whats screwing up my calming resources,I can have a panic attack thats mild and hardly anyone would ever even know because thru movement or expression the energy gets distributed.even in a intimidating situation I can tap my foot nonchalantly ect but staying still was NOT HELPFULL!this in turn escalated everything"omg,they can tell,i cant take the deep breaths I need or ill be moving,I cant move and i msure i have a look of terror across me face,theyre gonna think im nervous t obe here and this is unproffesional,I wont get work again,SHIT" ect ect.....
I literally felt like I was gonna pass out in front of everyone.
I need some advice on a quick emergency calm your ass down breathing or meditation technique because like I said normally I nagivate these expereiences pretty well but not when i am in a position where i cant take deep breaths and be still,even when ive felt anxioius performing,the fact that i sing and dance makes such thing dissapate.
this being said,you know Im real proud of myself for toughing it out.i have compassion for myself that under extremely uncomfortable sensations I stayed,I was present to the whole expereince and it was rough but Im proud I endured that and you know,as hell as these kinds of expereinces ca nbe ,i have an amount of respect for them,they are like storms to ride out,its helpful lto to think of them as waves
to ride out.......
for anyone else who is prone to anxiety like me that doesnt know about the tools of cognitive behavior therapy ,thats what i have found the most helpfull.
I feel vulnerable and embarressed and want to cry however I know Ill be allright if i just can endure this kind of intensity while remaning still.
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