My Mommy ran away........

May 20, 2006 19:53

shes always did run away.....
she left my father when he was away at work one day when we were babies.....
she left 2 other husbands with us in tow while they two went to work
Wonder if her and my father ran away as well to come to hollywood from tenessee where he worked as a chef for CBS.We ran away from a domestic abuse situation to KY when I was 13,she stole his car in the middle of the night,we ran away from KY to come back to in the middle of the night so "noone could stop us".I never had been so happy to see palm trees:).Her ass got arrested of course once we got here for grand theft auto and theres more but I wont even get into all that.......
So here she goes.......running away agin,I hope she gets what she needs,maybe perspctive,maybe insight in washington.Her man called me asking where her and the cats went........I told him oh she must have left for washington,you didint know she was going?she didint even call us to say goodbye,kind of wish she did.Interesting I ran away too,I left work,a guy i couldnt get rid of,and everything I knew(said goodbye to most though) i nthe middle of the night to live with Chad in San Diego.........I left last summer too while the husband was at work ,only to hollywood ,but i did leave.........came back when it was obvious Id lose my kid.......
Mommy..I hope your ok,i hope you find peace and healing one of these days,I can never change you........
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