Apr 24, 2006 06:03
couldnt sloeep at all last night.Tried and Tried.Too much fiery energy.Have the alarm set for 6:45 and now dont know what to do.I managed to sleep about an hour in ahalf of lightness type but woke when my hair was brushed.In my dream there was a light brush stroke like thing to my hair and it was either Aunt Cheryl(shes my freind kim and charlottes mom,another pisces) or aunt cheryl responded (live journal style..left me a "comment" which woke me up)it was the sofest brush,like it made me want to feel it again so now Im awake again.What do I do,IO had major things I had to do today.I hate shit like this...do I say Fuck it and have a cup of coffee and try to be productive as possible hoping for some kind of nap before 1 pm when i pick up my son or do i say fuck it and attempt to go back to sleep for another hour and 20 min(thelatest i can get my son up?!)
indesion indesicion..........