May 03, 2005 17:14
so last night was the rejects show. honestly when i walked in there and the show started i was liek wow this is gonna suck soooo badly. cuz its allamerican rejects and they r like "kid disney" punk (as lukas puts it) and there were a bunch of avril lavegne girlys that started bithing about getting crushed b4 ne1 even played. so yea i didnt think itd be a good show at all. turns out i was wrong. Hello Goodbye were pretty good and the other armor w/e band sucked but when the rejects came on i had a blast. i lost every1 right away and i got pushed back but eventually i found raffy and we were just dancing. i love her. instead of jumping and fist pounding and singing along liek all the other kids she closed her eyes and dance. man, chica ur great. so that looked fun and i joined her. total hippie dancing. oh man so great. then andreia had an incident and our concert tiem was cut a little short. but im glad she was okay. lol back stage we could stil hear the music so me and her were still singing. u crazy brazillian.
memorable events:
*chirs' imitation of big birtha
*seeing "jerry" at the ice cream place
*ari taking pictures w/ the old man form the 6 flags commercial and some random sleeping spanish dudes ( i gotta get those pictures rosie )
*laughing histericly w/ brian about "Taylor Hanson's" shoes (i'd so rock those) and "Raksmay's mother" wanting to beat up some random old lady w/ a furry jacket and combat boots. roflamo omg sooo funny. overall an "unfucking believable night" thank u so much for inviting me andreia! over and out.