iron chef is a crazy show

Jan 17, 2005 01:01

first off. raksmay has an awsome name to begin w/ but if a scary japanese man yelled his name "RAKSMAY" and extended the end and made the syllables really sharp, i bet he'd win teh best name contest.

friday noght was awsome. i chilled w/ the chicas: rosie, raffy, andreia, and mauris.
*hit up copley (tried on an amazing dress) but we got over taht quickly
*went to andreias to watch a movie
* TROY!!! wooo brad
* i fell asleep in the oversized chair (after watching the nude scenes of course)and woke up to all of them laughing at me
* Rosie read aloud the story of Juan the Mexican and his "grandfather"
* mauris and rosie had a hilarious episode of desribing the newest surreal life. "the midget in the scoot! *hand motion thing*" lmfao
* "some 1 please help this girl. shes trashed!"
* "i think the female body is a beaaaauuutiful thing"
* and .... maura's laugh is great

just had to make sure i recorded this, cuz it was just that great. The scoot. u crack me up
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