This is a trend?

Sep 12, 2007 08:53

I just read an article in the NYT that hotels are now scenting their lobbies as part of the branding process. I just stayed in an airport hotel that was trying to achieve a Hawaiian theme with coconut smell. My overall opinion of this theme is that it sucks! With my allergies, some scents either make my nose run, give me a headache, or could even give me an asthma attack. The 5-Sense Experience is not ideal for a lot of people who would prefer a scent-free experience. I read the comments on another article and people just don't seem to get how terrible an experience can be for people with allergies. I can take benadryl and usually survive with the feathers, but I have a friend whose face gets a rash.

Hotels are offering hypoallergenic (whatever that means) rooms at a premium, but why should people have to pay extra not to be miserable? Why not make a hotel have a clean air filtration system and have half the rooms be feather and half be feather-free? The scent is the worst part because you can bring your own pillow if necessary, but there's no way to remove the scent from the room.


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