Season 08 Episodes 05-07 Liveblogs

Jan 24, 2020 12:30

CTRL+F "TDLR" if you are in a hurry. Bolded are my Queencest/Thea thoughts.

Season 8, episode 5, “Prochnost”
  • Because I'm fast forwarding through every scene that contains the boring kids storyline, I'm starting this episode with a Laurel and Layla scene. Why do I keep forgetting that Lila is working with the Monitor? And I'm still totally loving Katie’s hair.
  • Why does Roy look so different? It's only been like 2 years since I left saw him in something and he looks way different, not bad different mind you, just I don't know, different.
  • So… Oliver wasn't good on heroes like he told Thea after all because if he was he wouldn't then send John to fetch Roy. This is such a wasted chance of the storyline for a great character (Thea.) What harm would it have done the show, having given re-occurring status back to Willa anyway, to actually have her appear onscreen and help all of them with this crisis?!!! As a Willa/Thea fan, I am terribly disappointed in this show and is decision, not that that matters to anybody, mind you but it feels good to say it.
  • To Roy’s point: clearly bloodlust can be managed, dummy. I mean, Thea seemed to be handling it pretty well now.
  • One minute Mia is bitchy to Oliver, then when she wants something (like learning how to break her own thumbs) she's all sweet and cheery… sounds like someone else we know doesn't it? Like mother like daughter… grr argh!
  • Poor Oliver looks so tired and worn down, when this is all over he should take a nice long nap.
  • “That is the thing about teaching, it's not about what you want to say, it's about what they need to hear.” I love this quote.
  • I'm genuinely surprised that Oliver didn't reply, “I don't want them to be heroes. I want them to be happy,” or something like that.
  • “When I first met Oliver, he gave me all of you,” Roy's acting like Thea had nothing to do with that. Like, yeah, okay, technically he did, I guess, but who introduced to Oliver, idiot? Thea Dearden Queen! Without her to connect Oliver and Roy, Roy wouldn’t know any of these people. I'm all for them Oliver & Roy and I’m even on board with Roy & Thea being friends, but to write her out of history like that? It's so disrespectful to their past that it’s no fucking wonder Roy/Thea didn't work out.
  • And it’s over. Onto the next, I guess?
Season 8, episode 6, “Reset”
  • Something’s not right here, obviously. Also, that woman laughing right outside the elevator is being way too obvious about it. Either she has something to do with this or that actress needs a better acting couch.
  • Detective Lance! I’m oddly thrilled to see him, despite never really liking his character before.
  • Is this a Groundhog Day episode?
  • Holy shit, someone said something about Groundhog Day in the episode! Do I have superpowers?
  • I think Quentin calling Laurel “baby girl” was creepy as hell, but I don't know why.
  • I love Laurel’s top (the one with the black lace) so much.
  • “I pull off the short hair way better than you,” LOL Laurel. I’ll say, while I prefer Earth1!Laurel, Earth2!Laurel’s sharp wit is fun. I wish we could have had Earth1!Laurel with 2’s wit.
  • Katie's acting in the scene where she tells Quentin that he's dead was fantastic. It was so real to watch.
  • Am I the only one who gets Black Lighting vibes from Laurel’s uniform/costume?
  • In the same vein as the “baby girl” nickname, Laurel calling her father, “Quentin” is super weird.
  • The scene where Oliver said goodbye to Quentin was so sweet. Seeing Oliver upset made my heart hurt though.
  • Okay. what the hell is with this furniture in Oliver’s (and Thea’s) apartment? That shit is so 80s, it's terrible. I assume Felicity has something to do with the hideousness.
  • “I hope so.” Aw, Oliver so sweet.
  • “I can't change my fate, can I?” Yes, Oliver, you can! Layla's not to be trusted and neither does it this God-like guy.
  • I know Layla said, “to complete your final mission. I'll see you there,” but what I heard was, “to complete your final mission. With Thea there.”
  • Of course it's goddamned Lian Yu… isn't it always?
Season 8, episode 7, “Purgatory”
  • Two people named Dinah is confusing as hell.
  • “No offense, but shouldn't this Kodak moment be between you and someone else?” Yes, Thea!!!
  • Edward Fyers again? Dude needs to just stay dead. Of course, there’s ghosts. Why wouldn’t there be fucking ghosts?
  • Roy’s gonna lose his arm just like in the comic books. Poor Roy. I genuinely feel bad for him.
  • “Suit up!” I wish Thea were there to ‘suit up’ too. Grr argh!
  • “No more island vacations.” LOL that was actually funny Roy. Good job!
  • “Tell her [Felicity] that I don’t want Mia & William separated.” I honestly don't think Felicity made that decision because it's what YOU wanted, Oliver. She probably made that decision because she was too damned selfish to raise another woman's child.
  • “Every mission has an end.” No, *sad eyes* Just no.
  • Boo freaking who. Fucking Mia. Like I seriously can’t stand her irritating, whiny self.
  • Layla’s new get up makes her look like she just stepped out of Star Trek… I LOVE IT!
  • TLDR: Yes, I’m bitter about Thea’s being neglected by the writers & no, I will not shut up about it.


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