So uneventful ...

Nov 06, 2007 14:03

Yesterday was my 27th birthday and it was pretty boring.  I got presents and a cake a work, but other than that I was stuck at home all evening with this kid that's finishing our drywall in the basement.  I'm actually really happy that everything is moving along with the home  improvements.  Matthew's new room could be ready to primer and paint this weekend.  This kid is really good and fast.  We're going to have him give us a quote to finish the drywall in our bedroom too, as soon as Matt finishes it.

Anyways this Friday I'm going out to dinner with the parents to celebrate the birthday and possibly go shopping for some clothes.  I'm looking for a black cardigan.  I had one that I used to wear all the time, but my dryer ate it last year and I'm having that hardest time finding a black one now!  I think I should go and buy some new shoes too ... as much as I hate to give in, my poor toes are going to freeze if it gets any colder out.

Football is completely over.   Matthew's allstar game was on Saturday and they won 14-0.  Matt was able to get off work from job #2, so he came with me.  Oh he also bought a new car on Friday.  I thought I was going to kill him.  His truck pays off this month, but he wanted a car that he could drive back and forth to work in Pittsburgh ... so he bought an 07 Ford Focus.  He loves the stupid little car ... whatever.  I was mad that he never really discussed it with me.  He mentioned in the morning that he wanted to look for a used car to buy, but came home with a new one.  It's not that we can't afford it, it's the fact that he just did it.  I'm pretty much over it now, but I did yell a lot over the weekend.

I go to the doctors on Thursay.  I'll be 17 weeks and I was  hoping they'd do an ultrsound so I can have a clue as to what I'm having, but Katie said no he'll wait until my next appointment.  **ugh** I really want to know.   I have to make sure I don't get upset before my appointment either because I keep raising my blood pressure and I don't want him sending me to a high risk doctor when I'm just pissed off at Matthew's loser mom or something ... so only nice happy thoughts for Thursday!
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