Mar 28, 2005 15:15
I just realized how absolutely pragmatic I am when it comes to other people I need not very much and often can't imagine people hurting me because really what is the point in that? but it does happen...Last night my roommate and I had a discussion about how I AM SO FLAKY...How just because I have someone to spend time with I have pushed her out of my life and then I realized that is why she had such a problem with me and Tej hanging out all the time she felt left out... sometimes I am too stupid about others feelings just because I wouldn't feel the way they do in that situation. but yeah... just realized that and I will try a bit more ot help her out with the whole' I need to feel Loved' issue she has but next weekend she goes toGermany for a week and I am going to have the best time of my life...Don't expect me to be home at all during this period... I will be out doing fun things without something attached to my hip...although I shouldn't say that she takes care of me a lot and at times I take advantage of the fact she loves me as much as she does... Last week I woke up and had lost mobility in my left arm, I couldn't even get undressed but I still had on my makeup and clothes from the night before on so she helped me wash my face, brush my teeth and even helped me wash my hair because I couldn't do it myself...shes a good roommate and I love her tons its just overwhelming sometimes, especially when they fight in my presence inGerman and I CAN'T MAKE THINGS BETTER. The only time I feel bad is when they are upset but it happens often (they are Germans). We had Easter weekend at home we went out on Thursday and had a goodtime I came home alone...and pretty down....onFriday was SAM'S birthday so we all wne to dinner it was SAM (Indonesia); kYLE (CHICAGo); jOCHEN (HongKong)Steven(Holland) Me, Tej(India),Mira (Denmark), Nina (Sweden)Adam(NEW yORK)and Tommy(Luxembourg)all in all I had a good time I just have one small problem I know I feel too strongly too quickly for Sam so I know I will get hurt but alas what can I do? Can't be afraid to get hurt...I had made up my mind that Friday night I WOULD NOT GO HOME WITH SAM but then we got to the Russian STRIP CLUB AND I lost control with her hand under the table... I broke down and we went home together... we went to the Temple of Heaven on Sturday and took some pics and talked while having a picnic on the lawns overlooking the Temple of Grain...we had family dinner that night and then we just went to sleep but we weren't ot with eachother for more than thirty minutes from Friday until Sunday...thats bad right? its too quick...although it feels nice....heres to hoping I don't get too hurt...that would suck...anyways that was a long enough re-cap of my weekend... Be Good and ODn't do anything I wouldn't do...and that means...don't have sex with any sort of animal...