Apr 25, 2005 23:51
Well here i am down toward Pittsburgh in a small lil town called madison its been pretty crazy so far... lea and i left around 230 sunday (techincally monday) we got here at 6 i thought my lil sister was going to cry!! she was soo happy to see me!! the look on her face was priceless!! =) so we didnt finally go to sleep untill like 830 and we got up at 2...
i went to my grandparents store to see the one lady who works there nan... shes such a sweet old fashioned lady!! haha... seen my grandfather that i hvent seen in 2 yr. mind you he didnt even really stop to talk GEE GO FIGURE
then my two darling lil sister Laura and Ashely (who are cousins ya figure that one out!! haha NO insest there tho) lea n i all went for a long walk just bc my grandmother thinks my lil sister laura goes on this walk to either geet high or have sex... so i did it just to piss her off (which by the way still havent seen my grandmother in 2 yr. course i'm not welcome around her ne way so thats what she tells me)
we also stopped off to see my uncle lionel and my 2 cousins john and sam... man those lil boys have GROWN they're 11 and 13 and both stand over a foot taller then me!! gaints wow... well my uncle didnt seem to thrilled to see me... mind you tho he doesnt care to much for me as it is!! so he didnt have much to say to me and just kept giving me this look
well then we all went back to amy and toms and enjoyed some chilli man i havent had that in SOOO long!! it was great...
our next adventure took us back to my uncle lionels store (which by the way is a HUGE furniture store and its all country and nice as hell) so i could see my aunt eileen and cousin christine... well that didnt so much go well... my aunt kept questioning everything... then told me my lil sister couldnt hang out w/ me tomorrow bc she was in her care... she also proceeded to tell me that if laura had gotten dropped off at my grandmothers store my gram would have made her work and i wouldnt have gotten the chacne to see her!! ohhh i was pissed i was like no she would have done that i would have told my gram i was taking her since i havent seen her in ages and my aunt just looked at me and was like u wouldnt talk to ur gram like that i was like ohh yeah watch me!! ohhh i was heated!! so then lea and i were looking at some of the furniture in the place for a kitchen table and they had this really nice on for 600 and i said sumthing to her she looked at me like i was scum and was like well maybe u should buy one at good will i was like listen we have a big house and have a very decent job!! soo i was pretty grrr when i left there and hell thats not even half of it
soo i guess my family has been saying a buncha shit about me (mind you this is all my moms side of the family) they all cant stand me and think i'm trash so thats just fuckin lovely cant wait to see what tomorrow brings
tell ya bout the mother situation at a later date
but on a good note the ppl lea and i came down to stay w/ is amy and tom (tom in which is my real dad) and my 2 sisters ashley and emma and my bother michael... i was thankful that my other sister laura got to come hang out (laura n i have same moms the others and i have same dads) but ne way we got home made ice cream and for ne of you suckers who've never had it let me tell ya what ur missing out!!! =) i loved hanging out w/ them today they're soo great and i miss them all so much!! whew thats quite a bit for one nite so i'll finish the bitching tomorrow i'm out!! peace love and hair grease all
oh one more thing... yeah NO REGRETS.... ohh and also... well i'm sorry... u know what i'm talking about