Sep 16, 2008 19:45
The thing I wanted most during my working-for-a-paycheck years was my own time. I find I still have to work at carving it out for myself. When I do, I can usually be found doing what I've done these last several days- butt in chair, eyes glued to a computer screen, working on a short story (okay two or three but who's counting besides me?), adding a chapter to a new novel, working on a thing called a logline and conflicts for my new novel for Cyn Mobley with Let me take a moment here and recommend her workshop (and not just because she might see this). The woman accepts nothing less than your best. But I digress....
I was forced to come up for air today and do an errand for my pregnant daughter. I found myself out in the sunlight, eyes working double-time trying to focus and wincing at the brightness I found myself in. I started my car and actually felt a little bit of an out of body experience as though I were actually writing the scene. "Reggie inserted her key and started the car, eyes wincing from the sunlight, dazed and distracted by storylines racing and mingling in her mind."
I've done this a few times before and I've now designated it as an official writers syndrome. I'm calling it WMD "Writers Mindless Daze".
If you find yourself in this condition you should not be operating machinery. STOP for your own safety and others!