The Longest Tuesday Ever

Apr 20, 2006 15:42

I swear this day just will not end!

My art class had its last meeting last night even though exams are next week. We had a potluck (I fried chicken) and evaluated portfolios. It was fun even though everyone was trying to rush it so we could see America's Next Top Model and Veronica Mars. The teacher's letting me make up a homework I missed and e-mail her a photo of it. I thought that was cool of her. I'm going to kind of miss that class--although not too much--because we all got to know each other pretty well. That's probably because we did more talking than drawing...

Our school uses city buses to take us around campus. Before you think we're lazy, there are a lot of hills in Tallahasse and I promise you walking up hill in 90 degree weather is a bad idea. It's just begging for a heat stroke. So after I skipped out on class early today (bad Ashley!), I found some guy's cell phone on the bus. I was going to just turn it in to the bus driver but the guy called the phone. I agreed to meet him at the university center (where I was going anyway) to give it to him and we hung up. Problem was, neither he nor I asked what the other was wearing, and he had borrowed a cell phone so  he couldn't call back. So I wait outside at the university center for about 10 or 15 minutes and then went upstairs to work. I called his mom just to give her my number to get him his phone back. Turns out he's a football player so I could just leave the phone with a coach and he could get it back whenever. But he ended up calling it again so I took it to him. He was very appreciative and it felt good to do a good deed. Except the part where I waited outside in the sun. That part was bad.

End of the semester 1.5 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!   


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