Bad Ashley! Bad!

Apr 13, 2006 17:21

I'm being so bad with school. I haven't been to my art and archaeology of Italy class in about 3 weeks. And today I skipped my Hinduism class. I mean, I like my class on Italy but I have a real problem making my 9:00s at the end of the semester. It's not my fault I'm a night person. I was born that way Luckily I found out that the prof. is giving the option to substitute the final for a paper. So it's not that important to go to class. Which is good because I don't think I'm getting up that early anymore this semester. Just ain't happening.

I think I found an apartment to move into for the fall. It's pretty cheap and more's a 1 bedroom! No more annoying roommate. Who right now is playing music loudly in the living room. But I've already cussed her out once this week and I prefer to talk to her as little as possible.

In more fun (to me) news, I've been reading some pretty good books lately. I know, I'm a nerd. I can't help it, I was born that way too. I'm reading one by Mary Janice Davidson right now. I love her characters because they're funny and do the most random things. But for humor Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series takes the cake.

Two weeks to the end of the semester and counting!

random, school

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