Aug 04, 2004 21:40

... i don't wanna go back to school and i don't wanna have to wake up at 6 am just to get ready to go to school to get my books and stuff, but i get to see friends well some of them that have last names close to mine. i wonder who's locker is going to be next to mine and i hope i don't get a locker like i had last yr all you had to do was pull on ( Read more... )

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aggiefan39243 August 5 2004, 07:04:53 UTC
I would have used ur mirror too...j/k I would have asked.


thegreenmonster August 5 2004, 08:55:13 UTC
i asked once and so that gave me like a year-round-free-ticket-to-look-at-kis-mirror. :) leaving messages which some never answered back to was fun also. oh yeah, and stealing 100 dollars. so smooth.


thegreenmonster August 5 2004, 08:58:23 UTC
this whole school thing is throwing off my morning rhythm. damn bastards.i have to go at 12 and 11 is usually the time i go jogging but i would have no time to get ready. ill just jog when i get back. but do i shower and/or wash my hair to go to school?! I DONT KNOW. see what i mean about the rhythm?


queenaihsek August 5 2004, 14:54:36 UTC
ah so it was you who stole my money ... and it's still not cool to open someone elses locker when they aren't there and i don't remember u asking.


thegreenmonster August 5 2004, 18:47:04 UTC
haha. money. like youd keep 100 bucks in your locker. i know you too well.


queenaihsek August 5 2004, 14:51:18 UTC
yea it's cool if u would of asked.. but no one ever asked!!


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