Mid-terms Approach

Oct 05, 2005 16:39

Wow can you believe that our mid-terms are here already, my first one is this friday and I think that it is going to be fairly easy. Well it's math and that class has been very easy so far, lol. And then I have my history one next wednesday along with my psychology one, and lastly the spanish one is on next friday, they should be a breeze in the end. Of course that doesnt stop me from being nervous, but I am always nervous about tests, that's something that will never change. Anyways, so mostly all that I have been up to is school, talk about fun times...notice the sarcasm there, lol!! But I have gotten out for a lot of walks lately which is awesome, I had forgotten how much I loved walking after I started driving everywhere. Plus there's the added benefit of getting healthy while doing something fun.

The movie The Fog is coming out soon and I am really excited to see it, I think that it looks really creep, sweet!! Hopefully it won't be disappointing like all the other horror movies that I have seen lately. I have had some very good times lately too, lol, yup, definitely been a good fall so far. Well except for the school part of it, lol, and the working every thursday, friday and saturday night, blah, that is not fun at all. I am at home bored right now, passing time until I have to go to my class at 6:00, that would be my psychology class. That is a very horrible class because it is 3 hours long and all we do is sit and listen to her talking, it's so boring, I mean it takes extra effort just to stay awake during that class, lol!!

My mom and Donald get back from Montreal today, they were there for a few days cause mom had some business meetings or something or other. All I know is that they weren't here which was nice, well except for the being stuck with Ryan all by myself. Lost is on tonight, it has been really weird this season so far, and I have no idea what the heck is going on in the show, lol, and I hope that it gets better now because I will lose interest soon if it doesn't. The Amazing Race is kinda boring this season too because they are just racing in like North America, and that isin't quite as interesting as the whole world.

Well I just found out that they fianlly caught the creepy guy that had been harassing me and Lindsay at work, thank god, sick bastard calling and asking disturbing questions and being very creepy and threatening. Supposedly this guy came to work and said that he knew what I looked like and everything, thank god he is caught and going to be punished. Well thats about it, gotta go to class soon. See ya later.
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