Mar 02, 2006 07:17
Well we went on a tour of the hospital's birthing floor last night. I think it did Butt monkey a world of good. The nurse giving to tour was ulta-sweet and explained everything on a child's level of understanding...the other people on the tour just smiled. I think that showing her where mommy is going to be and the new baby helped solve some unanswered questions she didn't know she had. Sounds funny but true, she asked hubbie and I questions that hadn't occuered to her yet. Like visitation and food. "Can I bring mommy food to eat?" "Sure hunny."
Not only that we were able to see the babies in the nursery. I think that gave her more perspective on how tiny the baby will be and how long it will take for him to be big enough to polay with. She keeps mentioning taking him swimming, him wearing her sandles, pushing him in a swing on the playground, playing chase... I keep telling her it will take awhile for him to be big enough to do all a year or three...She will be 8 or even 10 before he'll be able to do stuff. I think somewhere a little bit of it clicked. I think she thought I was giving birth to a two year old! Well she has waited this long...9 months is a long time for a little girl.
I think it has something to do with her birth mother giving birth and Butt Monkey not seeing her the entire pregnancy, once when her half brother was a month old and not again until he was almost one. So she didn't see him grow up. And she visited speratically until he was two. so I guess in her mind she separated the two households she was bouncing inbetween. So that in her mind she never left one... it was a constant stay? I don't know. All I know is she was expecting this baby to come out walking and talking ready to play with her.
Let's hope she behaves at school today! Daddy and I would like to do something fun with her while baby is still not here and the weather is nice!