Jun 28, 2007 01:33
On another note: I saw 1408 today and it scared the piss out of me.
I should probably have more to say about it (given how much I said in the previous entry) but I'm drawing a blank. You should not see it alone or with anyone who scares easily because them jumping will scare you more than the movie. Like the guys sitting behind me and Phil kept jumping and gasping and every time they gasped I would tense up.
I AM PROUD TO SAY I NEVER JUMPED IN THIS MOVIE!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I muahahah because PHIL DID!!!! Once. For a split second. Then he punched me in the arm to reafirm his manly man maness. *rolls eyes* He was like "Shit, I actually jumped for a second... uh... I can't chug a beer, beat up some frat buddy, smash a can against my head, or grab my balls... But, I must gain back my manlyness!!! *Punches the small girl next to him* HA HA! I AM ALL THAT IS MAN!!!" Think Ramathorn after the syrup chugging contest and you have it (Super Troopers). He didn't actually say all of that out loud, but I'm sure that's what he was thinking. That is what I would be thinking if I was him.
Also, for anyone who cares, he's totally snoring like a cartoon right now. Sounds like when you fake snore. It's funny.
How did I go SO FAR off topic? God, I'm random when I'm tired.
Back to the movie. It scared me. It also reminded me of Silent Hill more than once. Probably because of the special effects and the severe mind-fucking. It was an awesome movie and I would totally see it again (after I re-read the Stephen King short story that it was based off of.) I read it a LONG time ago and totally forgot if it ended correctly. Phil swears that it ended wrong, but he, also, read it a long time ago. Hmmmmm.... I think this is the end of my 1408 post.
P.S. I totally wouldn't have lasted a minute in that room.