I got my photos back today and they SUCK!!
Well the photos don't but the digital CD that came with it does, nad I'm REALLY dissapointed. I'm tempted to go back and ask for a new CD with the actual pictures on it; you see the CD I have cropped every single picture I took so that some of them aren't even in focus, while otherones have cut out people's faces clearly visible in the 4x6 prints. I'M VERY CROSS.
But I can't do much about it because I have to get ready for work. Blah. I can't wait to get th enext two work days over with. There's a party tonight, but who knows if I'll go, I don't get off work until 11pm.
I'll try to see the bright side of things.
here's a photo of the outcasts, 2k6 it's alright, I look like a bit of a gomer, but otherwise it's a nice picture.