Hey buddies!
Today is my birthday :3
I've made something Kame KAT-TUN related to celebrate it...
Yep that's my birthday cake! :3
I'm so proud of myself... it looks exactly like I've imagined it and it's my first cake! Well, I've helped my mum with cakes before, but never did one all by myself. I was angry why placing the cream on the sides because it was lacking and my hands was all dirty, but it was impossible to take the cream off of them... but somehow I managed to finish it and then the decorating was really funny! :3 I love such things, where every detail matters X3
ICHI GO. 1 5. Remember Kame in Zoom In before the Domucon? :D He was given the bowl of strawberries and then there were strawberry jokes... He said that Domucon starts on 15th May and someone from the staff said 'ichi go!' and then even during the concert Kame was gesturing 'one', 'five' and pretending to eat the strawberry XD [and he did it in omgsfna'eoknadsjg sexy way @@]
Generally, I'm proud of myself recently. I did very well on exams [I'VE MANAGED TO GET 5 FROM VIOLIN 8D *water dance*], only piano was worse but I don't care about piano much. But Rules of Music, Music Literature... I was studying hard and I was paid for my effort; 5 from both subjects, yeah. [Eeeem, if you have other marks system, 5 is very good in our. Like B.] I've even got 5 from Geography, which I got crazy about because I wanted so bad to get this mark. ♥
And today is Friday, which means that we go to school on the 3rd lesson, so I can use this morning hours to write the journal. [even if I should study German now for today's test... I can't stand it. My birthday, and the test from the subject I hate.]
I'm gonna get a curler as the birthday gift from my parents 8D My mum said that we will go together to buy it after school.
I wonder what my friends will buy me :3 I'm dreaming of a giant fan, yesterday we were in the shop with such a fans... I know that I shouldn't wait for the gift but they've already said that I'll got something, so I think I can now! XD
Well, that would be all for now.
Bye ♥
PS I have a house repair now. Everything is covered with dust and dirty and my room will finally look normal after it... I hope.