Mar 03, 2009 12:23

It's everything okay with me now~~ *singing happily*
I still must eat medicines but not many. ♥ [well it depends on what you call many - I had 20 tablets for a day and now I have 9, so it's not many for me XDD]

I still can't go to school because of weak immunity; I'll go in a week and try to not catch any disease until the end of the exams. I mean, 3 months yet. I want to stay healthy, I must work - study, practice violin and piano - so I have to be strong. And, who likes being sick...?

I had a nightmare yesterday. I dreamed about the violin teacher from my school I hate, who is the leader of violin teachers; she isn't nice and always says I play wrong. And she said it in my dream too, after listening to Gb scale played by me, and there was one teacher I didn't know too, from other school, he said the same; it wasn't an exam but I was told to play. And I played it wrong because of the break in practicing I had because of my disease D: It was scary, stressing dream!
I started to think about my exams after that. First violin exam should be in the end of April as usual; the second one in the beginning of June/ending of May. In the second half of May - piano audition. And there are big tests from the music theory subjects that end after this year - Music Literature and something that can be translated as the 'Rules of Music'. The marks we'll get for them this year would be put on secondary school certificate, so everyone must do their best in these tests, which are the main reason for the mark you get in the end.
I'm glad there would be no Ear Training test this year *sweating*. But next year there's gonna be an exam! *runs in panic* Yeah, even if ET is my fav subject in school I panic when thinking about an exam for it... = =

What else, people? Ahh, I know.
Friend me! :DD
If you like making friends... if you are KT fan... if you like symphonic metal, j-rock, Asia... if you are gothic and don't mind that I call myself goth while I'm not completely gothic ^^;;... if you like art, if you love horses, friend me! ^^ I LOVE making friends from all around the world.
Ahh. One thing yet. If you are Japanese and can tell me how is there, you speak Japanese [I'm learning it :D] and you think you could like me... FEEL FREE TO FRIEND ME. FEEL MORE FREE TO FRIEND ME XDD. Ne, I really want to have Jp friends! ^^

End for now, bye~

life, friends, school, health, me

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