So, I 've been in youtube land lately. All the showers and it getting into the 90's and then dropping to the 50's arthritis is flairing. Typing is a little difficult. Okie dokey then, I was watching Peter from the My Generation video.
OMG! Those old folks homes must be sex havens!! Peter is talking to some old people in a home about computers via internet. The only gentleman speaks up then asking Peter to come help him come service the women. Lol, it's amusing and lets you know that almost 80 is the new 40 and that people are still nymphos. It just tickled me to death.
If you want mute him or fast forward him to 6:02, that's about where it starts. Peter can be rather droll and is not for everyone. The first thing you hear is Peter's voice dubbed over the people talking telling what the gentleman says.
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