OOC: Ye Olde Info Poste (Now with pictures!)

Nov 25, 2006 21:53

But first, the general disclaimer. The odds are very, very good (say high 90s, percentage-wise) that Yitzhak does not like you. The same does not hold true for me.

And because my fingers are cold, I cheat and copy/paste large chunks of my application info.

What the hell fandom is this?

That would be Hedwig and the Angry Inch, the off-Broadway musical turned modern cult-classic film with music by Stephen Trask and script by John Cameron Mitchell. It tells the sordid little story of a down-on-her-luck transvestite glam rocker from East Berlin and her surly band of Eastern European wannabe rock stars.

Note here that there were some significant changes made between the stage show and the film; since you learn a lot more about Yitzhak's backstory through the stage show's monologue format than you do through the film's narrative, where the two diverge I tend to go with stage canon. *pats handy hardbound copy of the book*

Who the hell is Yitzhak?
Roadie, backup vocalist, kick-toy, and husband of convenience to Hedwig Robinson, Yitzhak was formerly (according to Hedwig) "the most famous drag queen of all Zagreb" -- hence the username. Paralleling Hedwig's marriage to Luther Robinson to get out of East Berlin, Yitzhak married Hedwig to get out of the Balkans before civil war broke out -- on the condition that he would never be allowed to dress in drag again.

This didn't stop him from trying in secret.

How the hell did Yitzhak get to Fandom?

After stalking Tommy Gnosis across the country for months in an attempt to prove that he'd stolen all of his songs from Hedwig, the band hit rock bottom in Manhattan and Yitzhak, sick of being kicked around, secretly auditioned for a cruise-line production of RENT (or whatever our meta-version of RENT is) and landed a major role. He broke this news to Hedwig and demanded a divorce on top of it, only to have Hedwig (who had a habit of threatening to sic immigration on the band to keep them in line) destroy his passport in response.

This is the point at which he diverged from canon into FH, though there's really not much canon for Yitzhak past then anyhow. Without any identification paperwork, Yitzhak couldn't take the role on the cruise-line production, but he still wanted out. Hedwig's road manager, Phyllis Stein, stepped in at this point; she'd heard rumors of an island town in Virginia populated by "freaks and displaced people" (hey, her connections were a little crass sometimes) and thought it would be an ideal place for Yitzhak to go, at least for a while.

What the hell does Yitzhak look like?

Yitzhak is a scrawny little guy, approximately 5'3" (closer to 5'5" in boots) with ratty brown hair down to around his shoulder blades and a constant five-day growth of stubble. He's almost always seen in grey BDUs, heavy punk-rocker black boots, a torn-up (meta)-RENT t-shirt over a longsleeved grey thermal underwear shirt, and an 80s-style black biker jacket with white shoulders, as well as a black skull-and-crossbones bandanna and studded black leather wristbands. He's also sporting a perpetual scowl.

. . . except in drag, when he's clean-shaven, wearing a blonde glam-rock wig and slinky sequined dress with lots of glittery makeup, and makes a damn convincing woman. A happy one, at that.

. . . that would be because in the original off-Broadway production and the movie (from which I get my screencaps, natch), Yitzhak is played by actress Miriam Shor. Partly because of the vocal demands of the role, and partly because it only adds to the overall genderfuck that is Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Yitzhak is traditionally played by a woman.

And yes, he's one hell of a singer. Sort of Pat Benatar or Joan Jett lite.

What is interacting with Yitzhak like?

Very one-sided conversation. He doesn't talk much; in fact, hardly at all. Sort of like Silent Bob, only scrawnier, Eastern European, and very, very pissy.

The most conversation you're likely to get out of Yitzhak, unless he for some bizarre reason warms up to you, is one or two words at a time. Odds are extremely high that they'll be insulting and kind of obscene. Mostly, you'll get glares, obscene hand gestures, or sullen expressions.

On stage and behind a microphone, though, that's a different story . ..

He's also prone to getting back at people who piss him off by finding some sort of passive-aggressive little prank to play on them. (In canon this has included such gems as using his better vocal skills to upstage Hedwig during the big climax of a song, scaring Hedwig by sticking the magnifying side of a mirror in her unsuspecting face, or sabotaging her monologues by interrupting them with well-timed obscenities.) I won't do this to people without OOC permission, but if you're open to this, hey, by all means let me know.

And finally . . .

Why the hell is your OOC icon Naomi Wildman's mother?

Heh heh heh. In the original Los Angeles stage production of Hedwig, Miriam Shor's understudy was Nancy Hower, who took over the role when Miriam left the production. Nancy Hower also played Samantha Wildman on Star Trek Voyager.

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