Fire in the woods

Feb 16, 2005 16:12

Hi everyone. Time for an update on what been happening. It's half term this week but no less busy than usual. Last thursday was mine and Tom's six month anniversary. We went skating in the evening and he stayed here, Friday was an inset day so that was nice. We had pancakes. Saturday I did not a lot, I've been downloadning all of the x-files on bittorent so the computer was left doing that most of the day. Sunday was my first day working at Tesco's. I got up at 5 to discover that the water pipe outside had burst. I decided to ignore this and continue on my way as, obviously, anything happening at 5 in the morning is not real and so someone could discover it later when it actually existed. I then went on to tesco's where I put sunday papers together, stacked shelves and worked tills till midday which was everybit as fun as it sounds.
Monday was Valentine's day. I went to Tom's in the morning where I was polite to relatives and such. We then went back to mine (via pfield where I got a lovely rose :o)) Later in the evening we went to the Indian for a meal which was very nice and curryish.
Yesterday Tom returned to his house and I made my way, with Matt, to Ian's, where I met Rob and old friend of theirs. Mark and Anna were already there so we made our way into the woods where Ian made the BBQ. This all went rather well, Mark built a very good fire over which Matt cooked bacon, sausages and spicy burgers which were all very good. We finished the BBQ off by exploding a CO2 canister with a bottle of ketchupi next to it. The ketchup survived.
We then returned to Ian's, where we were soon joined by Mullet, and commenced the LANing. This took more time than anticipated with lots of pinging and sorting out Mullet's network card and the adapter used for Rob's network port. Eventually, however, we got it all working and played a game of TA with me, Mark, Mullet and two computers in one team and Ian and Rob in the other. Ian and Rob won. It was carnage. A while after this though I felt ill and came home.
That brings me to today. I went into work this morning to do a bit of training then came back here to do some work. But instead I'm doing this. Oh well. Tomorrow I'm going up to London to get some books for my French cw and do whatever else seems like a good idea at the time. I will update on that at some point in the future.
I'm think I need a new HD. I'm kinda killing this one slowly and there isn't enough room for the x-files. So, if Mum is persuadable I'm going to get a cheap one from Novatech and stick that in there for all my files. The rest of the family can have the old one.
Anyways thats all. I shall update soon. Ish. See you round.
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