... I am being forced to relax! ;) I tried doing some work on Friday, but found myself clearly a little delirious as I was trying to assign disease case-files to fabric samples :|
I have discovered "alloftv.net" and after first watching some season 2 House, and season 7 CSI, I discovered "
Dexter". Which is amazing. I'm currently waiting 20min for my macaroni cheese to cook before settling down to watch the next and final episode (there are 12... I discovered it last night at maybe 1am). Oh the excitement! I can almost convince myself I'm revising when watching Forensic series and picking holes in them too ;) But yeah. Dexter. If you haven't seen it, take a peek... it's wonderfully dark, reminds me a bit of American Psycho and although there are a lot of things I saw coming, I didn't see all the twists at all, which is nice.
In between hard-core watching TV-on-the-internet, I've been reading more HST (something in the way he writes, not neccessarily the subject matter, is like Home), and generally not leaving the flat as I feel dizzy even just having a shower :( Been having lots of nutso dreams, generally based around my standard post-apocalyptic world, tho I did have one in which I blugeoned my friend Murray to death with a lamp and had to explain that it wasn't me, even tho it was. I get the feeling i've had that dream before too...
I'm been on antibiotics since Friday night and sometimes manage to convince myself I'm feeling a bit better. Mum isn't convinced tho, and is sending my littlest sister down on the train tomorrow morning to come and take me home. Hopefully I'll survive the journey and be able to fall into a bath at the other end. No idea how long I'll stay home but I have a week off Uni so yeah. Would like to be back for next Saturday, and should definitely be better by then.... if not I'll be most unimpressed as I don't want to miss Aprils party!!