More updates!

Jul 25, 2008 21:13

More updates! (I'm a parrot today, apparently, lol). So, broke up with Chaylo about a week ago. I mostly wanted something casual, but had left it open for more to develop. But, that more never came, and it just felt like we weren't going anywhere anymore. So, for now we both still want to stay friends. Hopefully it doesn't stay awkward for too long. *shrug*

Still semi-looking for an apartment, but I've also heard of a few houses near my work that are on market for $200k and change. So I'm thinking about looking into them. :P Yeah, I know, 22 is kinda young to be looking at a house, but I think it would be a good investment. I know I want to stay around the area for at least a few years until I get my license. And if I decide to move, then hey, sell it and jet, or rent it out. :p. But, I need to look into it more. I don't have much for a down payment, and I technically haven't even worked a full month... Wait. No, today was one month. :P So, first full paycheck in another week or so! :D *boogie!*

It's awesome having a real job and doing real architecture instead of my school job. Granted, the OT was a spiff place to work, but looking back, I sort of regret not getting a summer internship, just to get my foot in the door a bit earlier. But, I love my office. It's small, everyone's really laid back and fun, and we have rubber band fights. XD Company picnic in a couple weeks too. :p Speaking of...I need to dig out my softball glove...

Life, in general, is good. I get to teach the karate class tomorrow. :D And I have a great flirt buddy! XD (Who, sadly, is in New Zealand. Fucking figures, lol.) My knee is kinda bunged up again, but it's getting better, so no huge complaints there. And I got to buy baby stuff for a friend's baby shower. ^_^ Oh man, baby stuff is so adorable. :D Had to remind myself that I had a budget, lol.

I may need to find a new hobby though, lol. I'm so used to having almost no free time at school that now I'm spending a lot of time on my lappy chattering or just puttering around, like how I used to relax at school. I'm starting to get a bit more into ballroom dancing with my folks though, but without a partner, there's only so much dancing to be done. =/ So, improvement is slow. But I might go to a USA Dance monthly dance tomorrow night (Dad and Diane are officers in the local chapter, so I tag along with them now and again).

I think that's about it for now. Yay summer. :)
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