My hearing issues.. (Dragon*con peeps might understand me more now)

May 17, 2011 12:59

Man.. after all these decades I have answers. So dear Dragon*con friends - maybe you will forgive me when you have to repeat yourselves 30 times.

I have to admit, I didn't know other people didn't have the problems I have. I thought a lot of my "problems" were normal. I only recently found out that other people don't hear the way I do. How surprising for me! But now that I know what's wrong, I know I can work actively to try and create situations where my issues can be overcome and handled properly. My hopes are that this will create a better hearing life for me. My doctor told me I am working too hard to communicate. I honestly thought everyone worked that hard. I just wanted a hearing aid. But it is far more than my physical ear that is the issue. Who knew.

Read the description and then read the comic I drew. It makes more sense in that order. 

irl: hearing

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