"What the bible says - and doesn't say - about homosexuality"

Jun 30, 2010 11:01

I have no had time to read all the scriptures he refers to but I wanted to share this link before I forget where I found it. I will look them up later (I always do to make sure the author isn't misquoting."

If nothing else, I felt connected to this article because of something the author says at the end.  It is something I have said a gajabillion times.

And of course I don't say it exactly the same way he does. But I often refer to old laws as timely for when they were written. Just as when I gave my daughter and son strict orders to "never ever touch that stove" because they were toddlers who could seriously maim and injure themselves for life.. but they are now 20 and 10 so I'm like "go for it!" well, my son still needs supervision.. but you get the point. Rules change according to the timeliness of them. So I often say "Even if it did say it was wrong, the Earth was tiny in population. They needed to make babies!" and this guy in this article says "The Jews were a small tribe struggling to populate a country. They were outnumbered by their enemy. You can see why these ancient people felt it was an abomination to risk "wasting" even a single child."

Read the article here - it is kinda long, but a really good read..

social issues: homosexuality, social issues: the bible, social issues: relationships, social issues: christianity, social issues: marriage, social issues: double standards

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