Fave Fics are awesome reads :D

Nov 09, 2010 02:38

I'm actually pimping my fave fics haha! Yay! XDD

The ones with three hearts are my ultimate favorites and are a must read! As you can see, they're ultimate faves for a reason. Anyway, the fics listed in here are the ones that I think are really awesome. Of course, you reserve the right to differ, we all have different preferences when it comes to stories. But anyways, please do enjoy them. I don't know how to write summaries for each one so please do check their summaries. ;p and lastly, you'll find lots of fluff, romance, crack, angst and NC-17s in this list haha! :D


] Kamen by yumiko_okahawa 

] Fourth Avenue Cafe by neko_fish 

] Closer by ashi_ga_demasu 

] Raising Akame by ashi_ga_demasu 

] In His Care by blue_orbs [on-going. As epic as it can get.]

] Fall for Me by miyamiaki 

] The Weeping Tree by indigoskai45 [link was provided by antou_san. Just click the qui word (the site is in Italian but the fic is written in English, hmmkay? :D) and save the file. Extract the files and go read and have fun! This one is EPIC as well, I tell you! I remember this fic giving me goosebumps when I finally reached the end. All in all, this fic is A must read! :D]

] Dear Myself by neko_fish 

] Fairy by artemisgoddess 

] Weapon of Seduction by reddorozette

] Press Repeat by wantedflower [This is so beautiful it just breaks your heart in the end. I've read this a long time ago and I just found it again, thanks to watanabe_je]

] Promise of a Lifetime by sun_ming  at thetearsofpearl 

] Young Hearts || Round 2 || Saying Goodbye by blinkbling24 [These are just beautiful *sighs* It's love. Really.]

] Red thread of fate by uchikins  at yellofhope 

] The Perils (and Benefits) of Idiocy by matchynishi 

] Falling is like this by waffle_dragon

] Child Stars by soundczech

] The Next Step by razberrycreme 

] Not Friends by helicoptersky 

] That Day JE Twittered at appleclementine [most awesome crack of all times XD ]

] I Believe You, Liar by soundczech 

] Not Friends by helicoptersky 

] Great Gig in the Sky by gingifere 

] When you smile by auburn_witch 

] The Bond Between Us by auburn_witch 

] Soul Trade by sapphynashi 

] Forever or Never by darkgloom 

] Through the Glass by flamesword



A Drop of Love by reddorozette
] Behind the Curtain by reddorozette 
] Call me by liquid_color
] Cupid in Training by miyamiaki 
] Deadly Sins by reddorozette [on-going]
      Fade into the Background by yumiko_okahawa 
] Filling in the blanks / Filling the blank / Filling more blanks by langzhen 
      Forever Yours, Forever Mine by songkissed
] Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi by sugar_pain_baby 
      Hide and Seek by vani13 
      Lessons Learned by omoshiroina 
      Love Stays Strong by hanez 
] Of Brothers and Love by miyamiaki
] Okaasan? by scarlet_angel03 
] Perfect Moments by matchynishi 
     Seachange by soundczech 
] Seven Days / Sequel: Drowned in Silence by yumiko_okahawa 
] Silently by nerd_san 
] Spiral by sun_ming  at thetearsofpearl 
      Surprise, Surprise by nana_lytama [on-going]
] The Child in Jin by hanez 
] The Game of Destiny by karilly
] Toddler Kame and his beloved Jin by hanez [on-going]
] Trapped in the safety of a pseudo silk kimono by marlenem  at glitterburg 
      Under the Starlit Skies by jamie_spotty [on-going]



] 赤 -red- by goldfreckled at subtlyfreckled 
      21 by tsu_ 
      A photoshoot at a pier by tinybars  at calreskuee 
] Again tonight, embraced by the stars... by adistantsun at pithetaphish 
] Always have, Always will by blinkbling24
] Are belong to Jin at makeoutboys 
      Awkward Teenage Love by liquid_color 
] Behind the Music by soundczech 
] Cantabile by psychoniji 
      Database Unavailable by unrequitedangst
] Dude, where's my band? by homiten at calreskuee 
] Delight by marlenem at glitterburg 
] English by artemisgoddess
] Fish out of water by becroberts  at notaverse 
] For You, I Will by sugar_pain_baby
] Goodbye by reddorozette 
      Heartbreak Club by crystal_ceres at vanilla_letters 
] He films the clouds by wintersdancer 
] I didn't call by misao_duo  at calreskuee 
      I just called to say I Love You by songkissed 
] I loved yesterday by xaisu_kuriimux 
      Immortal Wisdom, or Lack Thereof by becroberts  at notaverse 
      In less than twenty words by misao_duo  at calreskuee 
      In which Jin teaches Kame to drive by gingifere  at calreskuee 
      It's a New Era by uchikins  at yellofhope 
] Jin by ashi_ga_demasu
] Jincabulary: Jindows vs. Pear / Jingglypuff / Jinguistics / MediJin by almostfantastic
      Kame's 8 Philosophies on life by twirlingleaves at spirited_words
] Kiss me by archetier
      Kore ga?!...aka How Kame Discovers Fanfiction by konliza 
      Lesson One / Lesson Two by homiten  at calreskuee 
] Like on most days by misao_duo  at calreskuee 
] Masquerade by psychoniji 
] Of Stalkers and Cross-dressing Idiots by xtmeveiz 
] Off the Wire by jo_lasalle  and solo__ at haikusociety 
] Oral Fixation by itsumono_you_ni 
] Party time by gothicauthor  at appleclementine 
     Rescue Me by myxstorie  at japanese_romeo 
     Smile  by artemisgoddess 
] Sugar-powdered madness by randomicicle 
     The Kiss by nana_lytama 
     The Grass is Greener by jo_lasalle  and solo__ at haikusociety
] This one is for you by wantedflower



] Devotion by Agnes Joseph [This is a must read if you ship TomaPi]

] A twist of fate by hanez  [This is the best girl!Kame fic ever and Jin is such an awesome, stupid guy :D]

**I'm still trying to search for the fics I've read...I'll update the list once I find them :)

fave fics

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