Sep 03, 2010 00:33
i miss you. do you miss me?
I remember running my fingers through your hair (to the jealousy of the english girl behind us!)
i rememeber your laugh
i rememeber....
your smile
your stern tone of voice
your fragility
your strength
your your eyes
your hands
your fingers laced in mine
your happiness that simply radiated off of you as you spoke to your lover
your indignation
your teasing me as we stood in paddingston st.
your laughter at my convo with my dad
your calling me 'so cute'
your laughing at my 'on account of the fact' 'oui ou non'
your singing
your music tastes
your mac skillz
your whispering at me to play mushroom cup on mario kart (hahaha. such a geek)
quoting 'old woman' 'man' 'i'm not old. i'm 37!'
your serenading me at paddington st.
snapshots of a special rencontre avec un mec anglais.