Rain Rain Coem Again!

Feb 07, 2007 09:29

He y'all

Just thot to drop a line, am in Gunbalanya at the mo (Arnhem Land) doing my research for honours (dial up connections suck, have looked in getting broadband for this place).  Tis interesting here in the Wet.  Well most assuredly its WET, rains all the time, quite humid, lotsa mozzies and cane toads, as well as lightening and thunderstorms (beautiful stuff too!!)

Flew in from Jabiru (thats a town inKakadu National Park) sat in the cokpit, was awesome, pilot told me I will get a chance to fly next time, hehehe!!!

Will be here till Monday, so very short trip, and so much to get done.  Have conducted 2 interviews already, tis difficult do to background noise and difficulties with language barrier, but am getting there.  Have met new members of my family here, tis great, have a grandfather now, yay!!

Hmmm, theres a cyclone about 1000kms from us, just hope it comes here, wud be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rightio, have to get back to my transcription (which sucks majorly, as the interviewees all have very soft voicees) thus slow laborious process.

Perhaps, will post again whilst here.

Peace out all!!
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